The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) is an institution of the Council of Europe based in Graz, Austria. Its mission is to encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching and to support its member states in the implementation of effective language education policies.

The ECML focuses on the practice of learning and teaching languages and supports programme-related networks and research projects. It also promotes dialogue and exchange among those active in the field and trains multipliers (people who share and promote ECML practices at the local level).

In cooperation with leading European specialists in the field, the ECML initiates and coordinates four-year programmes which provide the framework for innovative projects and activities. These projects are embedded in ongoing policy developments and have addressed key challenges in language learning. Previous programmes examined ‘Languages for social cohesion’ (2004–2007), ‘Empowering language professionals’ (2008–2011), ‘Learning through languages’ (2012–2015), and ‘Languages at the heart of learning’ (2016-2019),  ‘Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences’ (2020–2023). The theme of the current ECML programme, lasting from 2024 to 2027 ‘Language learning at the heart of democarcy’.

Before each four-year cycle begins, the ECML issues a call for proposals from experienced professionals in language education for projects in their area of expertise. The project’s outcome should be resources for teachers and other experts in the language teaching and learning field.

The ECML offers to its member states the expertise gained in the projects via Training and Consultancy activities (TaC) adapted to the concrete needs and specific contexts within individual countries. The following TaC activities have been organised in Serbia so far: Teacher competences for languages in education, Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG), Learning environments where modern languages flourish (EOL), Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV), A Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures – Competences and resources (FREPA) and Supporting multilingual classrooms (1 and 2).

The ECML also offers traineeships, lasting in general 6 months, twice a year. According to their field of interest, applicants can choose the main area in which they would like to be involved: organisation of events and meetings, documentation and resources, the Centre’s website, and finances and general administration. Traineeships are aimed at recent graduates belonging to or studying in one of the ECML member states. The application deadline is 31 December for the period April 2025 to September 2025.

For further information on all ECML activities, please visit the ECML website. You can also contact the Foundation Tempus, the national contact point, at